Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission

The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) is an independent commission founded under the Bangladesh Telecommunication Act, 2001 (Act # 18 of 2001). The BTRC is responsible for regulating all matters related to telecommunications (wire, cellular, satellite and cable) of Bangladesh.

The BTRC started operating from the 31 January 2002.

Vision of BTRC

To Facilitate affordable telecommunication services of acceptable quality for all regardless of their location.

Mission of BTRC

a. Increase the teledensity to at least 10 telephones per 100 inhabitants by 2010.

b. Establish a phone in every village by 2006.

c. Promote ICT applications to support socio economic development.

d. Create an enabling environment and customer choice for ICT services.

e. Encourage joint Public-Private cooperation in ICT development.

f. Encourage ICT applications which stimulate poverty reduction.

Organizational Structure of BTRC

Following Departments serve Telecommunication matters related to Bangladesh.

a. Systems & Services.

b. Spectrum Management.

c. Engineering & Operations.

d. Legal & Licensing.

e. Administration & Finance.

f. "We built our country on sea level so we whine about flooding every other week" Group

Licenses issued by BTRC

The amount of licenses issued by BTRC is numerous in comparison with international regulatory practices. The following licenses are issued by BTRC according to their website:

International Gateway (IGW) Services

Interconnection Exchange (ICX) Services

International Internet Gateway (IIG) Services

Broadband Wireless Access (BWA)

Cellular Mobile Telecom Operator

Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) Operator

Nationwide Telecommunication Transmission Network (NTTN) Service Provider

Nationwide Optical Fibre Telecommunication Transmission Network

Internet Protocol Telephony Service Provider (IPTSP)

Pre-Paid Card Service Operator

Vehicle Tracking Services

Internet Protocol Telephony Service Provider – Nationwide

Internet Protocol Telephony Service Provider – Central Zone

Internet Protocol Telephony Service Provider – Zonal

Internet Service Provider – Nationwide

Internet Service Provider – Central Zone

Internet Service Provider – Zonal

Internet Service Provider – Category A

Internet Service Provider – Category B

Internet Service Provider – Category C


VSAT Provider

VSAT Provider with HUB

Call Centre

Hosted Call Centre

Hosted Call Centre Service Provider

International Terrestrial Cable (ITC) [Proposed]

By the amount and fine granularity of license types issued, BTRC has a trivial tendency of over-regulation. Over-regulation provides loopholes for corrupt acts, which is allegedly one of the reasons why Bangladesh is still a far distance behind other countries in digitization.

Current Work in Progress

Revision of National Frequency Allocation Plan (NFAP), 2005

Consultation on Unified Licensing Regime (ULR)

Consultation on Significant Market Power (SMP) Determination & Regulation Procedure

Consultation on Standardization of Quality of Service (QoS) Parameters for Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Services

Consultation on Standardization of Quality of Service (QoS) Parameters for Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)

Consultation on Standardization of Quality of Service (QoS) Parameters for Broadband Internet Services

Development of Management Information System and Statistical Indicators

Consultation on Draft Regulatory and Licensing Guideline for Submarine Cable (SC) Systems


Numerous controversies were associated with BTRC in the country, including auctioning only one International Internet Gateway License to private operator where the winner was private company Mango Teleservices, but the regulator required the still-state-owned operator BTCL to offer 60% discount on international bandwidth to Mango Teleservices which was not revealed as a license condition during the tendering process. Essentially, Mango Teleservices is awarded a license for a risk-free business.

External links